- What is the value education
- Difference between education and value based education
- Types of value education
- Importance of value education
- Levels of value based education
Importance of value education: Before we get into the importance of value education we must know what value education is and the need for it in today’s society. The meaning of value education, though may differ from person to person or institution to institution, has an overall underlying meaning and that is the holistic development of a person. It includes personality development, character development and spiritual development among other spheres of human nature. It is built on the foundations of a value-based system. That is differentiation in what is right and what is wrong according to society. While values may differ from religion to religion or even country to country, the basic values remain unaltered throughout the world.
For example, climbing up the corporate ladder without causing a hindrance or without putting others down is a value that all must all follow. Showing compassion to everyone, irrespective of caste or religion is also an important value.
If we have to particularly define value education, we may not get a single definition. This is because it is a very comprehensive subject and includes several aspects of development. It is best to inculcate value-based education from a young age where minds are impressionable and can be moulded easily. Therefore, it is necessary to inculcate value-based education in the curriculum at schools and colleges. It not only helps students to face the real world after their schooling but also leads to a more compassionate and tolerant world around them.
Difference between education and Value based education
The underlying aim of education is to make better citizens for tomorrow. There is a small difference between education alone and value education. In simple words, we can differentiate education and value-based education like this- while education opens the mind, another one opens the mind along with the heart. Education trains the body and mind to perform certain tasks, whereas value education trains the body and mind to perform these tasks with responsibility and sincerity. Also, education may help us to achieve greater heights in our professional career, while through value-based education, you can reach great heights in life. A research publication titled Evaluating the impact of Value education -Some Case studies and published in the International Journal of Educational Planning and Administration states that every education is in type of value education. Every educational curriculum aims to create valuable citizens for tomorrow. Microsoft Word – 01_5755-IJEA__NEW (
What does it include?
Value education as mentioned above includes several aspects of the development of human nature. To be more specific, moral education may include aspects like honesty, integrity, responsibility, compassion for the environment, work ethics, self-reliance and other similar aspects. So, is it possible to teach these values in schools? Some may argue that these are inborn traits and cannot be taught. While others may argue that one cannot be taught these aspects in school because they have to be experienced and not learned. However, it has been long since discovered that value education must be made a part of the school curriculum. Research has shown that educational institutions play a major role in installing values in young minds. (PDF) VALUE EDUCATION IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND ROLE OF TEACHERS IN PROMOTING THE CONCEPT (
Types of values
Values can be broadly categorized into two types: in-born values and self-acquired values. Inborn values are those values that depend on the inherent personality of the person. For example, love and care are inborn values and cannot be taught. These values depend on the personality of an individual. The extent to which a person can show love and care are entirely individual feelings and may or may not be affected by external factors.
Self-acquired values are values that can be taught. Work ethics, ambition and dressing sense are all values that are influenced or learned as we experience life.
However, it will be wrong to say that in-born values cannot be influenced or changed as we experience life. All values can change as we share life and as priorities change in life.
We can also categorize ethics of values based on usage. Personal values are the values that one must acquire to grow personally as a human. While universal values are the values that one must inculcate to live in harmony with fellow human beings
Examples of Personal values
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Gratitude
- Faith
- understanding
Examples of Universal values
- Justice
- Responsibility
- Respect
- Friendship
- Freedom
Importance of value-based education
It is with no doubt that value based education is an important part of the education system. Without value education, students may not be able to mingle well in society. Let’s take a look at the importance of value based education.
Personality development
Value education enhances the personality of students. It moulds the personality of students from a young age and allows them to blend in with society.
Value-based education is progressive and lets students be prepared for the future.
Develops a democratic society
The importance of it is that it develops a democratic society. Through value based education, students learn to live in harmony with one another and learn to be better citizens. These citizens will be the leaders of tomorrow, leading to a developed and democratic society.
The need for value education can be seen in the fact that ethical education teaches a sense of responsibility towards yourself and others, thus making what we call a civilized society. If each person was not considerate towards others, then the society would crumble.
Components or essential parts of moral education
Value education consists of many parts that make up a whole. Let’s look at some of the parts of value education
Social value education
Social value education is that part which teaches students how to live in harmony in society. It teaches students how to interact with others and be at peace with each other. Here, what is most important is teaching students that as you help others so shall you grow. Sometimes it depends on a student’s life cycle changes that take place in a student, within a particular period.
Certain norms in society must be followed in order to live in peace with one another. For example, keeping your compound clean while throwing garbage into your neighbours’ compound is not a done thing. Value based education will teach you that you must treat your neighbours as you want to be treated.
Rules and laws are made for this purpose. That is, for everyone to live in harmony. Driving on the left side of the road is a rule to avoid accidents. Similarly, stopping at a red signal, crossing at a zebra crossing are all such rules to avoid accidents. Disregarding these rules can lead to grave consequences. These rules all come under social education.
Financial value education
As the name suggests, financial value education teaches students how to manage finances, incomes and expenditures. The sense of responsibility towards money comes from this financial value education. Teaching this value education topic at a young age can instill the value for money right from the beginning. Students will learn how to save and budget from a tender age.
Health value education
Health value education is that part which teaches students nutrition and balanced diets required for overall physical fitness and development of the body and mind. It is not only important to make students academically bright but it is also important to ensure the development of body and physical fitness. In fact, the development of mind and body go hand in hand and one cannot grow or develop without the other. Therefore, ensuring that students learn the difference between nutritious and junk food is important.
Character-based value education
This value education topic is essential for the mental growth of a student. It includes the teaching of moral and ethical values like honesty, integrity, truthfulness among other values. These values are essential for everyone in order to fulfill the requirements of a social being.
Environmental value education
Respect for the environment is one of the most important values to be taught to students. The world today is on the brink of an environmental collapse. With pollution hitting high levels, it is now time to think of environmental value-based education where students are taught to respect the world they live in. Through this value education topic, the Earth can sustain itself and generations to come can survive.
Need to impart value education in schools
There is a strong need to impart value education in schools because students are the future. Without the right values, the students of today may become misfits of tomorrow. However, with the right value education being taught in schools, students can prepare themselves for the future.
It must be cautioned here, that value based education must never override other values that may interfere in human behaviour. That is, basic human rights must not get affected because of value based education. morality based education must conform to certain norms. Here are a few norms that value based education must conform to.
Universal laws
Ethics based education must never override or go against universal laws. Universal laws that hold good for everyone irrespective of caste, creed, or country of origin. Universal laws remain the same for everyone.
Not opinionated
Value based education must not conform to the likes and dislikes of a single person or group of people. Value based education has the speciality of being in conformity with a larger section of society.
Must not hurt sentiments
Value education must never hurt the sentiments of a person or group of people. The very essence of moral education is to ensure peaceful and harmonious living with others around. The moment the value education topic hurts a person or group of people it must be understood that there is a mole in the system and it must be changed.
Levels of value based education
Again, depending on the area where value based education is taught, there are three levels of value based education.
- Value based education from the home
- Value based education form schools
- Value based education from the society.
Value based education from home
When it comes to value based education at home, we usually speak of education imported by the members of the family. It could include traditional and cultural values like religion and basic manners. Here the teachers are mostly family members. Value based education from home is taught from a very young age. It is in fact the first type of moral education that is taught to the child. When the child is ready for school, the child is already instilled with the basic values that are required to initiate the schooling process.
Moral based education from schools
Moral education in schools comes directly from teachers, peers and friends. Teachers will inculcate the spirit of sharing and responsibility from the education point of view. For example, coming to school on time, submitting homework and projects are all values instilled from school. According to research publication International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 2014 “Teachers play an important role in the nation building by character building of the students. The future of a nation depends upon the type of teachers who shape the future generations. Every teacher plays the most important role in shaping the students as enlightened citizens.” The Importance of Value Education-534.pdf (
Value based education from the society
As discussed above, value based education from society is what is taught to students in order to live in harmony in society. It includes social interactions, political views etc. Value based education in society is one of the most important education in values. This is because, ultimately, everyone has to live in society in the comfort of others. A research paper published in ResearchGate in 2013 described the role of value based education in society. Accordingly, the author mentions “mere desire or aspiration to progress in life is not enough; success should be based on values. And for that value-based education must be imparted in today’s institutions. So that the students may emerge as good leaders in their chosen fields.” (PDF) Role of Value-Based Education In Society (
While the need for value based education cannot be undermined, it is important to understand the different levels at which these moral based values can be taught or instilled in students. Homes and schools are important institutions for imparting value based education.