What is the meaning of being grateful? Gratitude in life, the need to be grateful
“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” ― Anthony Robbins
The society we live in suffers from a variety of wrongdoings. We frequently see pain and suffering. On the other hand, there are many things about ourselves that we’d like to change. But in our quest to change ourselves and better society, we fail to be grateful for the things we already have. We instead dwell upon the negativity around us which slowly seeps into us.
So, what is being grateful all about? It most definitely isn’t the fake notion that all is fine and dandy. Being grateful is to appreciate that which you already have. It is the time you focus on acknowledging the fact that despite bad things, you’ve still got good things. It is a feeling of being happy with what you have. It shows that the things that we take for granted are by themselves valuable.
At this juncture, I did like to point out the difference between being grateful and having gratitude. According to the Oxford dictionary, being grateful is “showing an appreciation of kindness.” It is an action. Meanwhile, gratitude is more than just being thankful, it is a virtue. This can be better illustrated with examples.
A grateful student is appreciative of his family, friends, health, and access to the internet in addition to his roof over his head. In the meantime, a student demonstrates his thanks by expressing his appreciation for the person who prepared his meals or cleaned his home. Grateful and gratitude are interrelated and if you are grateful you’ll also have gratitude.
One of the most important sources of happiness is gratitude. It is the act of experiencing life at its best even though one might be passing through the most difficult days of their life. Similarly, being grateful for even the minuscule things in life on a daily basis will grant success and happiness.
To put it another way, how can you as a student attain more success in life if you don’t recognise the small victories you have every day? It can be as simple as waking up on time or simply being happy to be alive for another day. Being grateful or having gratitude is a very powerful tool and can change your life forever. It can drive away from the feeling of being unhappy and usher in the pleasure of contentment, happiness, and success.
Here Are Some Little and Big Things We All Should Be Grateful For!
1. Life
Life is a blessing, no matter how you approach it as a student. How many people do you think can make it as far as you have? Thousands of lives are lost daily to disease, poverty, natural disaster, warfare, and more. So if you are alive and breathing now be very grateful for this fact.
2. Situation
No matter who you are or where you are, you probably are in a way better situation than the scores of other people. If you are having a full tummy, then there are many who struggle to have two square meals a day. So don’t moan about not getting to eat KFC every day. Instead appreciate the luxury you already are living in.
3. Friends
Be grateful that you’ve got friends for they’re the family you’ve handpicked. Students already recall unpleasant recollections and bizarre inner jokes, as I already indicated. The fact that your friends have always got your back puts that smile on your lips.
4. Parents
The people on this planet who can love you more than you can love them back are your parents. They are your biggest fans and your most honest critics. Fine, not all parents are great but they’ve nonetheless given you your life and let you live. For some, parents might look evil until they become one.
5. Senses
I’m sure you can see, touch, smell, feel, and taste but it’s all probably taken for granted. Remember the day you had a running nose, unable to smell anything? I’m sure the food didn’t taste good then either. But be grateful for the fact that you don’t have a cold now.
6. Mind
Appreciate how complex your mind is.It can concurrently transport students to several locations while keeping them grounded in the present. Be grateful for a mind that makes you, you, and its ability to change and convert you into an even better you, Version 2.0.