The meaning of extraordinary, how can one be extraordinary, how can one make life extraordinary?
“If you pursue happiness, you are an ordinary person. If happiness pursues you, you are an extraordinary person. Do not chase happiness; let it chase you.” ― Peter Deunov
There are ordinary people and then there are extraordinary people. Both are common people but the latter put in a bit of extra effort to change the mediocre and mundane into attractive and extraordinary. There is no limit or cut-off for the extraordinary. Neither is it limited to how many people can be extraordinary.
As soon as we hear the word ‘extraordinary’ we remember famous people, spiritual gurus, geniuses, and leaders. Seldom does one think how extraordinary their parents, siblings, friends, teachers, or that elderly watchman is?
Students are fascinated by amazing beliefs that are unattainable and, as a result, are out of reach for the average individual. Thus, we neither strive nor aspire to be extraordinary. But then again, isn’t ordinary also extraordinary? Isn’t a widow doing some menial job to look after her teenage son and daughter extraordinary?
Isn’t that father who for this family’s sake, keeps doing his job despite not liking it and yet faces his challenges without uttering a word? Or what about the watchman who lives in a shed but greets everyone with a smile at work?
Hence, extraordinary is not limited to the stuff force-fed through the media. It is around us every day everywhere. Students can achieve outstanding status if they make an effort and raise their personal bar. Being extraordinary is an action. It is a student’s attitude and personal preference. It is neither an accident nor a special privilege.
As students, we decide to be the best versions of ourselves. It is the choice to not get angry when someone insults you or to not push your stress on someone else. It requires daily effort and discipline. It is a belief and the path to being extraordinary teaches you about yourself.
Although we might think that being a spy or an Olympic athlete is phenomenal, it is not mandatory to achieve remarkable things in our lives.
Amazing Ways to Make Your Life Extraordinary As A Student
Each and every student is exceptional in some way. Here are some of the ways you can make your own and someone else’s life extraordinary.
1. Kindness
The smallest act of kindness can make the biggest difference in someone’s life. A smile, compliment, or a word of encouragement can mean the world to someone feeling hopeless. One little act can make someone’s life extraordinary.
2. Compassion
As a student, have compassion for other people. Learn to feel how someone else feels by putting yourself in their shoes. Find out how you can help? Provide support to the needy. It can be your time or money.
3. Bravery
As a student, there may be instances when you feel like doing something but hold yourself back out of shyness. Be brave and do it. Maybe you have a question to ask at school or in the office. Don’t think twice, just do it and make an extraordinary event out of ordinary life.
4. Follow Your Dreams
If you have no aim, find something you love and go after it. You might like music, painting, numbers, words, or something else. Find and pursue it. It will add some spice to your life. Achieve it in small steps and soon you’ll be different from the rest.
5. Create Something
It is wise to create something. Being a student makes your time here on Earth extraordinary. You don’t know if you are an artist, musician, poet, or writer. Try your hand at different things and you just might find your reason for happiness.